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Tech stuff…
Object pooling in Unity (Part 2)
In the previous article we have described the advantages of creational design pattern which can be extended. We will describe our approach in the following text. Every game is composed of innumerable objects which can almost always be divided into several categories....
Object pooling in Unity (Part 1)
The object pool pattern is a software creational design pattern that uses a set of initialized objects kept ready to use – an object pool – rather than allocating and destroying them on demand. A consumer of the pool will request an object from the pool and perform...
Story behind…
Krok za krokom…
Krok za krokom... sa blížime k jednému z najvyššie položených horských priesmykov na svete. Nenávidím ho. Nohy sa mi pletú a v hlave mám zvláštny vyšumelý pocit. Neviem si spomenúť prečo som tu. Thorong La je zradný. Niekoľko krát sa Vám počas cesty ukáže jeho vrhol,...
Something else…
Top 20 reasons why gaming is good for you
Remember the time when everybody thought that playing video games is waste of time? And it makes children violent? Well that time is gone. Nowadays there is increasing number of articles talking about benefits of gaming as such. We searched many of them and compiled...